The first was a play, which was set in hell, with characters Dante and Virgil being a main focus. Dante was visiting hell and asking those present questions. The people who were present were a scientist, a business man, and a poor woman, and a rich woman. These characters were the opposite of each other and in my opinion Gordimer used them to show us the problems with the world. The business man against the scientist and the rich woman telling the poor woman she is taking advantage of the system, and doesn't want her tax dollars to pay for her. It was an interesting way to portray what Gordimer feels is wrong with society.
The second reading I got to was written March 29th 1946 and was written while Gordimer was still a student. It is an essay titled, "Why it is not satisfactory to say that the function of language is "to communicate thought"? Gordimer presents the argument that language is used primarily for self-expression. Such as pain, surprise, and protest. She argues that all language always has this one thing in common. This essay received an A.
I only got to read a little bit of the next folder. It contained an manuscript of an unfinished novel. The novel was written prior to 1946, with a man in his 60's as the main character who is a polish man named Sam.
I think because I have three examples that are of very different genres it is hard to say what Gordimer's main themes or topics are. I would guess that much of her literary work has the same kind of "moral" as the play. Which is to discuss the problems within society. However, I have not read any of her later work, and this small sample is all that I have to go on.
I do know that she is a very easy read, and interesting. I am very happy I picked this over contagious disease!